Thursday, June 14, 2012

Father Leo - Grace before Meals

Thank you St. Anthony of Padua for a beautiful day yesterday!  It was your saint day, and on that special day as we pray in remembrance of you our prayers are celebrated with all the angels in heaven.
 I had the opportunity to receive the Eucharist from Father Leo as we celebrated St. Anthony.  One of the key points to his sermon, was the fact that St. Anthony helps us find our way, find our path back to our heart, back to God, and forward to Heaven.  St. Anthony pray for us all to find our path to God.

Father Leo is the TV Chef with a show every sunday on EWTN called Grace before Meals!  Feeding our souls with faith, while feeding our bodies with loving good food.  Bringing God to every table as we sit together as a family in communion with Christ.  I wish every new family could hear Father Leo and commit to one another to make meal time a sacred family time EVERY NIGHT.  Thank God my husband is Italian and he loves to cook, because that is what created our family tradition of meals together around the table every night.  My kids are now in high far so good... however it is not because what I have done but rather the traditions that have been established in our home.  Thanks to their daddy, going to church together every sunday is a must and having dinner at home is a gift and yummy!

Enjoy today, Enjoy summer, and have fun making meals together and gathering around your table.

May we celebrate God today!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

St. Boniface June 5th

Incredible blessings are sent from Heaven to Earth as we connect with the Saint that is celebrating their day... imagine the energy around a celebration...that is the energy in heaven around a Saint's we tap into that we are like a magnet attracting that celebratory energy from heaven unto earth...  As you read about St. Boniface you are instantaneously connecting to that mystical and wonderful strength.
From a letter by Saint Boniface, bishop and martyr
(Ep. 78: MGH, Epistolae, 3, 352-354)

The careful shepherd watches over Christ’s flock

In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.

The ancient fathers showed us how we should carry out this duty: Clement, Cornelius and many others in the city of Rome, Cyprian at Carthage, Athanasius at Alexandria. They all lived under emperors who were pagans; they all steered Christ’s ship—or rather his most dear spouse, the Church. This they did by teaching and defending her, by their labors and sufferings, even to the shedding of blood.

I am terrified when I think of all this. Fear and trembling came upon me and the darkness of my sins almost covered me. I would gladly give up the task of guiding the Church which I have accepted if I could find such an action warranted by the example of the fathers or by holy Scripture.

Since this is the case, and since the truth can be assaulted but never defeated or falsified, with our tired mind let us turn to the words of Solomon: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own prudence. Think on him in all your ways, and he will guide your steps. In another place he says: The name of the Lord is an impregnable tower. The just man seeks refuge in it and he will be saved.

Let us stand fast in what is right and prepare our souls for trial. Let us wait upon God’s strengthening aid and say to him: O Lord, you have been our refuge in all generations.

Let us trust in him who has placed this burden upon us. What we ourselves cannot bear let us bear with the help of Christ. For he is all-powerful and he tells us: My yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Let us continue the fight on the day of the Lord. The days of anguish and of tribulation have overtaken us; if God so wills, let us die for the holy laws of our fathers, so that we may deserve to obtain an eternal inheritance with them.

Let us be neither dogs that do not bark nor silent onlookers nor paid servants who run away before the wolf. Instead let us be careful shepherds watching over Christ’s flock. Let us preach the whole of God’s plan to the powerful and to the humble, to rich and to poor, to men of every rank and age, as far as God gives us the strength, in season and out of season, as Saint Gregory writes in his book of Pastoral Instruction.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Eat Pray Love

Just when you are skating through life with a healthy and safe numbness to the tragedies of the world, the floor drops out from under you - what do we do now... It happens to all of us at different times in our lives... It is God and His divine interruptions that change us the most.

Lisa Carter shared her story yesterday at EPL about her journey as she watched her 15 year old son go from a cancer diagnosis, palliative care, hospice, and miraculously a full recovery.  The two year journey was intense, tragedy beyond understanding, truly changed their family forever and by the grace of God, her son was called to stay on this earth a little longer. 

In the deepest darkest moments of fear, when all they could do was plead with God for another day... Lisa had an epiphany.  She felt God's presence and she felt Him say to her...this is not about life and death this is about life and life!  Life here on earth and life with me in the Heavenly realm.  Lisa found comfort and peace in a new way... she was relieved by God's grace. She surrendered her will to God's will and from that moment forward she stopped begging for him to live, rather began to give thanks for God's healing power. When she walked into the ICU that day she felt God direct her to her bible 2 Chronicles 20... IT IS A ROAD MAP for all of us... read it! Lisa shared it verse by verse and truly it is a tool for all of us.  Clearly outlining how to get through a tragedy, win the battle and glorify God.

May we all turn to His word and find peace in our hearts... and when it is too difficult to find the peace, may it fall upon us by the grace of God.

Be Loved Today and Always!
My Saint My Hero