Wednesday, March 3, 2010

walking on This Side of Heaven

Well it's been a while since I last blocked and tons of amazing stuff has happened...Just for the record, the website is moving right along and it appears to be on track for launching by Easter!
Ever have a moment where you just feel down, not sure where it comes from or why, just want to sit in bed all day with the covers over your head. I was having a few of those days in a row a couple weeks ago and I just couldn't seem to get out of my funk until I got out of my own way! Yes, feeling blue on my way to work and then I got a series of phone calls asking for help, one from my kid's school, then one from a hospital that I volunteer for, and another for a charitable group. All three requests came at me in less then 1 hour. I buckled down, did my work, ran around to help out the calls, and by the end of the day I felt great! Who knows whether it was doing for others or just doing so much that my head couldn't think about anything... whatever it was it worked, and I felt like a new person! I am convinced that at times we need to get out of our own way and let God drive for a while!

Personally, times seem to be changing for me and the things that I used to be able to do everyday in habit don't have any meaning anymore. I am aware of my motions and then I am aware of my true purpose and if they do not match up, I just can't do it! The times of going through the motions are over, every moment matters and every moment I want to feel and be awakened by the miracles of life around me! I sit in quite prayer and feel the hope for the future balanced by the devastation of today... I wonder every moment what is my purpose here on "this side of heaven". Abortion is the new birth control, children are watching R rated movies on their TVs in their rooms, kids are playing shoot em up video games, and we are all going through the motions hoping that someone else will step in, someone or something else will teach them. We just keep on moving ahead, making more money and buying more toys, hoping that one day our children will just "get it". The faster we move, the farther we get from our true core connection... that scares me! Will I have the courage to stand up, speak up, and change? This life is easy... too easy. I feel as though I have been tempted and I have fallen into the trap and now, suddenly I am awake looking around and recognizing where I am! Thank God, I am awake, however how do I stay awake? How do I make a difference, and how do I show my conviction without falling into the trap of temptation?
Discernment, Peace, Truth, God's unwavering Love, Forgiveness... these are gifts, we are each given by God. I am opening these gifts right now, cherishing them and living with them close to my heart! We are human, we do have choices, we do fail however it is our responsibility to stand up in God's presence, claim who we are and walk forward in His image... this is my challenge and I stand tall in it right now and hold you in His Light!
May God Bless us and Guide us,

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